tisdag 26 mars 2013

Key word: Power

Power is a key element in life, and indeed the most useful to those inclined to change, grow and expand.

 First power: The will to simply BE

Many are the strings that wish to pull you, the stories that wish to enthrall you, the thoughts that wish to rule you..

Creation is a fundamental function of your consciousness. You constantly create, whether it is by conscious choice, or by unconscious action. To develop/refine this power, you'll want to give yourself time. Time to breathe, time to sleep, time to think, and perhaps most importantly, time not to think at all. Meditation is by far the best technique to achieve a conscious state of non-thinking. Upon entrance into this perhaps unknown area, you'll encounter yourself, naked. Behind your eyelids, chaos may very well reign. But! Fear not, by staying strong in the midst of the storm, you'll successively grow more stable. In silence, your thoughts will roar and attempt to distract you, and so drag you away from stillness. 

When you begin to know thy "enemy"(yourself), and learn to tame the thunder that is your mind, you have paved way for conscious creating. You have created a sacred space from where you draw new energy, ready to be put to use.

Second power: The will to destroy and rebuild

The Hermit delves into the darkness with torch of introspection, return does he with great riches..

Once you have set foot in your own mind as shown in the first power, you now have the resources ready to change for the better. With your expanded awareness, you'll be very aware of what elements in your life that empowers/disempowers you. In order to ever even dream of achieving your highest potential, it is time to clean up the mess that keeps you back. Examine every thought, from where does it stem? The key is to not let yourself be governed by thoughts that disempower you. Instead, you enter the sphere of stillness, meditation, let it wash over you, and refresh you. YOU DESERVE LOVE.

Then, you start to cut that which weighs you down, whether it be a relationship, habit, thought-pattern, idea, job etc. You root out the negative elements that drain you, and instead cultivate a love for yourself. As you continue to create, you'll find yourself moving more into a space of tranquility, peace, comfort and most importantly, self-love. There is nothing wrong about loving yourself. There is a clear line between loving yourself, and viewing yourself as superior to others.

Imagine all the aspects of your life as spokes forming a wheel. The more similar in size the spokes are, the easier will it turn. The wheel that is complete, balanced, symbolizes inner harmony. The ability to sustain yourself, the ability to love yourself. You may have heard before: "In order to love others you must first love yourself"

Third power: The power to take conscious action

I am the great Phoenix, returned have I from the ashes of the past. Brightly I burn, as I set my fiery gaze upon that which is to come..

As you start to rearrange your life to better suit your inner self, you'll find yourself moving with greater ease through life. As you start to love yourself, others will come to love you. As you start to respect yourself, you'll find others respecting you.With the ability to be self-sufficient on love, you'll become a pleasant member of a society. This is where your life starts..

tisdag 18 oktober 2011


Hello friends

I'd like to shed some light on that thing we call regret, that baggage that follows us everyday. That thing we dare not to relive, that thing we are ashamed of, and never want to open again.

The thing is that the feeling of regret is only indicating that your present self does not agree with what your past self did. And what is so spectacular about regret is that you learned something, isn't that great? Regret is basically wisdom and knowledge. When you feel regret you have changed, the person that did that shameful thing was not infact entirely you at all, because you wouldn't have done it today would you?

So by just taking a deep breath, looking into yourself, and forgiving your past, less knowledgeable self of his/her actions, peace can be found. Regret is like a chip of rock with a diamond in it, so the next time you screw up, forgive yourself and feel a bit wiser.

It's all about picking yourself up again, and I like to apply the phoenix metaphor here..

Rise from the ashes, be reborn, and burn ever so brighter than before!